FIBA Official Basketball rules 2022
The running score: Summing up
At the end of each quarter and last overtime, the scorer shall enter the score of that quarter and of all overtimes in the proper section in the lower part of the scoresheet. Immediately at the end of the game, the scorer shall enter the time in the ‘Game ended at (hh:mm)’ column. At the end of the game, the scorer shall draw 2 thick horizontal lines under the final number of points scored by each team and the numbers of the players who scored those last points. He/she shall also draw a diagonal line to the bottom of the column in order to obliterate the remaining numbers (running score) for each team. At the end of the game, the scorer shall enter the final score and the name of the winning team. All table officials shall then sign the scoresheet next to their names. The crew chief, after the scoresheet is signed by the umpire(s), shall be the last to approve and sign the scoresheet. This act terminates the referees’ administration and connection with the game.
Diagram 14 Summing up
Note: Should the captain (CAP) sign the scoresheet under protest (using the 'Captain's signature in case of protest' column), the table officials and the umpire(s) shall remain at the disposal of the crew chief until he/she gives them the permission to leave.
Diagram 15
Bottom of the scoresheet
Head coach’s challenge
For games where the Instant Replay System is used each teammay be granted 1 head coach’s challenge (HCC). If granted, the HCC shall be entered on the scoresheet below the team’s name in the boxes next to the HCC. In the first box the scorer shall enter the quarter or overtime (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 or OT) and in the second box the minute of the playing time of the quarter or overtime.
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September 2022
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