Jalkapallosäännöt 2022
FIFA Quality Programme FIFA Quality Programme
FIFA Quality Programme
The FIFA Quality Programme sets criteria, based on well-founded research, for products, playing surfaces and technologies used in the game of football. In addition to mandatory quality requirements in some fields of application, uniform recommendations are offered in other areas, on the basis of which competition organisers can further specify their own regulations. Independent testing institutes verify the functionality of the products, playing surfaces and technologies in accordance with the respective standard. The institutes conducting these tests are subject to the approval of FIFA. The following quality marks identify those products, playing surfaces and technologies tested and certified to the prevailing requirements: ”FIFA Quality Programme” asettaa perusteelliseen tutkimustietoon perustuvat kriteerit tuotteille, pelialustoille ja teknologialle, joita käytetään jalkapallossa. Joidenkin sovellusalojen pakollisten laatuvaatimusten lisäksi tarjotaan myös yhdenmukaistavia suosituksia toisilla sovellusaloilla, jotka kilpailun järjestäjät voivat määritellä omissa määräyksissään. Riippumattomat testauslaitokset vahvistavat tuotteiden, pelialustojen ja teknolo gian toimivuuden niitä vastaavien standardien mukaisesti. Näitä testejä suoritta- vat laitokset ovat FIFAn hyväksynnän alaisia. Oheiset laatumerkinnät osoittavat tuotteiden, pelialustojen ja teknologian olevan testattu ja sertifioitu vallitsevien vaatimusten mukaisesti. FIFA Basic * Testivaatimukset tälle standardille on suunniteltu tunnistamaan tuotteet, jotka täyttävät perustason suorituskyvyn, tarkkuuden, turvallisuuden ja kestävyyden kriteerit jalkapalloon. Fokus on asettaa minimistandardit varmistaen kohtuuhin taisuuden pelin jokaisella tasolla. FIFA Quality Testivaatimukset painottavat tuotteiden, pelialustojen ja teknologian kestävyyttä ja turvallisuutta FIFA Basic -standardia enemmän. Perustason suorituskyky ja tarkkuus on testattu, mutta fokus on laajan käytön varmistaminen. The FIFA Quality Programme sets criteria, based on well-founded research, for products, playing surfaces and technologies used in the game of football. In addition to mandatory quality requirements in some fields of application, uniform recommendations are offered in other areas, on the basis of which competition organisers can further specify their own regulations. Independe t testing institutes verify the functionality of the products, playing surfaces and technologies in accordance with the respective standard. The institutes conducting these tests are subject to the approval of FIFA. The following quality marks identify those products, playing surfaces and technologies tested and certified to the prevailing requirements: FIFA Basic* The test requirements for this standard are designed to identify products that fulfil basic performance, accuracy, safety and durability criteria for football. The focus is on setting minimum standards while ensuring affordability for use at all levels of the game. FIFA Quality The test requirements emphasise the durability and safety of these products, playing surfaces and technologies more than for the FIFA Basic standard. Basic performance and accuracy criteria are tested, but the main focus is on ensuring extensive use. FIFA Basic* The test requirements for this standard are designed to identify products that fulfil basic performance, accuracy, safety and durability criteria for football. The focus is on setting minimum standards while ensuring affordability for use at all levels of the game. FIFA Quality The test requirements emphasise the durability and safety of these products, playing surfaces and technologies more than for the FIFA Basic standard. Basic performance and accuracy criteria are tested, but the main focus is on ensuring extensive use.
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Laws of the Game 2021 /22 | F I FA Qua l i t y Programme Ja lkapa l losäännöt 2022 | F I FA Qua l i ty Programme
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